Thursday 26 January 2012

Check it Out! Now a Public Figure on Facebook

Hi Everyone!

As you can tell from the title of this blog, I, Tanya Tompolski, am currently now a Public Figure on Facebook.  My public figure page is different from my personal facebook profile in the sense of professionalism. I designed my public figure page to present myself in a manner that I would want employers expect and envision of me. I have included job & volunteer experience, skills & qualities, passions & goals for the future. To see more follow this link:

Public Figure - Tanya Tompolski

Connecting with future employers on Facebook will be beneficial for connecting on another level. Posting comments, links on my wall allows the potential employer to truly see my interests and passions.  It is also a way to share my knowledge with others that have the same interests as myself.

I have already made a wall post about Dr. Francis B. Zotar. He was a guest speaker in my NuFS 223 class today, and I was really inspired by the work he has done. He has worked with another Dr. and come up with the "Food Mulitmix Model". The whole concept was developed around the mantra:

How the program basically works is a group of scientists visit communities around Africa and learn about the resources the community has access too. They then work with the people to create recipes from the resources that provide enough nutrients for them to meet the Daily Required Intakes posted by the World Health Organization. The end product(s) is/are something the people can continue making after the scientists leave. It is a really inspiring program and exactly what I would love to do when I graduate. I hope having a professional Facebook page will assist in connecting me to organizations that use the FMM. To see his work:

Toodles till next time!


Also if you wanna check out more, tune into a blog from a fellow student:

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog post but what stood out for me most was Dr. Zotor's presentation on FMM. I was also in that NUFS 223 lecture and I loved the presentation he gave. He clearly was so passionate about the work he had done and the work he plans to do in the future; it was very inspiring! I like the idea of creating a long term sustainable solution for hunger in developing countries instead of short term food aid.

    I like how you connected the Facebook page assignment with his presentation by saying how you would use Facebook and other forms of social media to connect with researchers and scientists who do extraordinary things like Dr. Zotor. I thought that was an interesting perspective. I am following such people on Twitter but I never thought of using my Facebook page for that!
